Arduino Servo Motor: Reference Code and Wiring Example

In this Arduino servo motor tutorial, you’ll learn how to control a servo motor using an Arduino UNO board and a potentiometer. As soon as you’ve got this example project up and running, you’ll have the skill of controlling servo motors from your Arduino. This can be the basis for more advanced robotics projects. Components

Arduino Hall Effect Sensor: How to Detect Magnetic Fields

In this guide, you’ll learn how to set up an Arduino Hall effect sensor, specifically the US1881, to detect magnetic fields. This can be useful for projects where you need to find the RPM of a motor or other movements in a machine. Parts Needed Schematic Diagram Connect the VDD pin of the US1881 Hall

Arduino Ultrasonic: Controlling an HC-SR04 with Arduino UNO

A popular Arduino Ultrasonic Sensor is the HC-SR04. It’s widely used for non-contact distance measurements and often used in robotics and automation projects. This guide will show you how to connect an HC-SR04 to an Arduino and write a simple program to measure distance. Requirements Connection Diagram Step-by-Step Guide Arduino Ultrasonic Example Code Copy and

What Is A Resistor And What Does It Do?

The resistor is a component that resists the flow of current. It doesn’t do anything actively, so it’s called a passive component. Sounds boring and pretty useless, but it’s actually an extremely useful component. Once you know the basics of the resistor – and how it works with currents and voltages in a circuit –

Arduino Sound Sensor: Control an LED with Sound

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to connect an Arduino sound sensor to control an LED with sound. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a working sound-activated LED! Parts List How To Connect the Arduino Sound Sensor In the schematic diagram below, you can see the complete connections for this project. Connect the

Arduino Speaker Tutorial: Play Melodies with Your Arduino

In this beginner-friendly tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up an Arduino Speaker circuit where you will play a melody from your Arduino. By the end, you’ll have a basic understanding of how to create Arduino projects that play melodies.

What You’ll Need:

Arduino Buzzer Tutorial: Play Melodies with Your Arduino

In this quickstart tutorial, you’ll learn how to control a passive buzzer using your Arduino UNO to play a simple melody. By the end, you’ll have a basic understanding of how to incorporate sound into your Arduino projects. Materials Needed Arduino Buzzer Schematic Diagram Refer to the schematic diagram provided to connect your passive buzzer

The Transistor as a Switch: A Practical Guide for Beginners

Using the transistor as a switch is a practical and useful skill to have. By setting up transistors in very simple circuits, you can easily control things like DC motors, lamps, buzzers, and much more. This is useful for beginners and experienced electronics enthusiasts alike. In this guide, you’ll learn the basics, the necessary components,

Arduino RGB LED Guide: Easy Setup and Code Examples

In this guide, you’ll learn how to control an RGB LED using the Arduino. An RGB (Red-Green-Blue) LED can produce a wide variety of colors by mixing different intensities of red, green, and blue light. You’ll learn to create a basic Arduino RGB LED circuit and cycle through some basic colors as an example.

Using the provided schematic and breadboard images, as well as the example code below, you should have everything you need to easily set up and control an RGB LED’s color output on your own.

Parts Needed

There are two types of RGB LEDs: Common Anode and Common Cathode. We’ll provide example schematics and code for both types below.

Arduino Thermistor Guide: Easy Circuit & Code Walkthrough

In this tutorial, we’ll guide you on how to set up a thermistor with Arduino to create a basic thermometer. The schematic, breadboard illustration, and example code provided will make it easy and straightforward to get your thermistor working.

Parts Needed

Step 1: Understand the Thermistor

Our thermistor has the following parameters:

Bipolar Junction Transistor – A Getting Started Guide for Beginners

The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) is one of the two most used types of transistors. You can use it to create audio amplifiers, switch on/off DC lamps, motors, and much more.

In this tutorial aimed at beginners, you’ll learn the basics you need to start having fun and design your own transistor circuits.

Bipolar junction transistors on a circuit board

Diode Bridge: Four Diodes That Convert From AC to DC

The diode bridge rectifier is a simple circuit used to convert alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). In this guide, you’ll learn how it works, what it’s used for, and how you can build your own.

diode bridge circuit

Even though you may not notice it, the diode bridge rectifier is everywhere. It’s used for transforming the AC voltage from your wall outlet into a DC voltage that your devices can use.

So when you charge your phone or laptop, or you turn on the TV, there’s often a diode bridge working its magic in the back.

Arduino Light Sensor – Circuit and Code Example

This Arduino Light sensor circuit is a simple example that shows you how to connect light sensors such as photoresistors, photodiodes, and phototransistors, to an Arduino.

In this quickstart guide, you’ll learn how to connect a photoresistor to an Arduino board and read out the voltage. You’ll first use the Serial Monitor to learn about how the light sensor behaves, then you build a circuit that automatically turns on a light when it gets dark.

This is a great practice circuit when you’re learning Arduino. The code is straightforward and the light sensor connections are simple.

Parts Needed

* A photodiode or phototransistor will also work.

Arduino Button – Circuit and Code Example

This Arduino button circuit is a simple example that shows you how to connect buttons to an Arduino.

In this quickstart guide, you’ll learn how to connect a button to an Arduino board and read a HIGH or LOW depending if the button has been pushed or not. You’ll use the Light-Emitting Diode (LED) that is included on the board to turn on and off with the button so that you can verify that your button press code is working properly.

This is a great practice circuit to build as you’re learning Arduino. The code is straightforward and the connections are simple.

Parts Needed

  • Arduino Uno
  • Breadboard (and some breadboard wires)
  • Resistor 10 kΩ (R1)
  • Resistor 470 Ω (R2)
  • Pushbutton or Switch
  • Wires

Arduino Button Circuit

To connect a button to an Arduino, you’ll need a pull-down or a pull-up resistor. This is to make sure that when the button is not pushed, it has a defined value. In this example, we’re using a pull-down resistor of 10 kΩ.

The Potentiometer: Pinout, Wiring, and How It Works

A potentiometer is an adjustable resistor with three pins. The fact that it has three pins instead of two was confusing to me when I was starting to learn electronics. But as soon as I saw the inside of it, it all made sense.

In this guide, I’ll show you what the potentiometer looks like on the inside, the different potentiometer types, and examples of how to wire it up for different circuits.

What Is A Potentiometer?

Potentiometers are adjustable resistors used in circuits for many things, such as to control the volume of an amplifier, control the brightness of a light, and much more.

It is like the resistor. But while the resistance value of a resistor stays the same, you can adjust the resistance value of a potentiometer.